Suzerain Rizia DLC: Malenyevist Sordland Achievement Guide

Guide: Achieving a Malenyevist Sordland in Suzerain

The Struggle for a Socialist Sordland

This guide outlines the path to achieving a truly socialist Sordland in the wake of the Rizia DLC. We aim to implement sweeping social reforms, dismantle the capitalist oligarchy, and secure a brighter future for all Sordish citizens.


  • Liberate the Working Class: Champion the rights of workers and establish economic justice.
  • Universal Welfare: Implement comprehensive social programs, including universal healthcare, inspired by the ideals of social democracy.
  • Purge Reactionary Elements: Eradicate the influence of the Old Guard, Sollism, and nationalist factions.
  • Break the Oligarchy: Dismantle the power of the capitalist elite and redistribute wealth.
  • Champion Civil Rights: Guarantee equal rights and protections for all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or gender.
  • The Bludish Dream: Establish the Bergia Semi-Autonomous Zone and fulfill the aspirations of the Bludish people.
  • National Recovery: Achieve the Great Sordish Recovery and restore the nation’s economic prosperity.
  • Valgslandian Socialism: Secure the "Valgslandian Socialist" title in the ending sequence, signifying your commitment to socialist ideals.
  • Universal Housing: Impress Symon with your economic management and unlock the universal housing program.
  • Disappoint Alphonso: Witness the disappointment of Alphonso, the staunch capitalist, as your socialist policies take hold.
  • Victory Against Rizia: Secure a triumphant victory against Rizia in "the Big Game," symbolizing a victory for the people.
  • A Socialist Future: Set the stage for a glorious socialist future in the CSP.
  • Optional: Rumburgian Revolution: Extend the socialist revolution to Rumburg (details below).

Important Note: While pursuing socialist policies, maintain a respectful facade towards your generals. They despise communism and budget cuts, so tread carefully to avoid a military coup.



  • Choose a humble background, study economics, and join the student council.
  • Align with the Red Youth and demonstrate unwavering resolve against oppression.
  • Support Soll initially, then transition your support to Alphonso.
  • Advise Alphonso to resign and promise democratic reforms.

Turn 1:

  • Invest in the Armadine shipyards.
  • Veto the Campaign Finance Bill.
  • Reject Koronti’s bribe; maintain a semblance of integrity.
  • Promote a planned economy.
  • Invest in the L-1 high-speed rail project.
  • Collaborate with reformist political forces.

Alternative: For the "Man of the People" achievement, prioritize stimulus checks over the L-1, appease the people, and anger the oligarchs.

Turn 2:

  • Pay respects at Bernard’s funeral.
  • Negotiate a larger bribe from Tusk.
  • Demonstrate empathy by visiting towns affected by violence.
  • Award the L-1 contract to the SSC, snubbing Tusk.
  • Maintain diplomatic relations with Rumburg.
  • Refrain from enacting a relief plan (a necessary sacrifice).
  • Veto the Tourism Bill (prioritize socialist ideals over economic gains).

Turn 3:

  • Utilize Tusk’s "donation" to fund the education of Serge’s children.
  • Constitutional Reforms:
    • Set the impeachment threshold at 8%.
    • Grant impeachment power to the Assembly and Court.
    • Require a 3/5 Assembly vote to overturn presidential vetoes.
    • Implement confidence votes for cabinet members.
    • Establish term limits for elected officials.
    • Remove the Court’s voting power.
    • Retain presidential decree powers.
    • Remove immunity for the Ministers of Health and Justice.
  • Increase budgets for all sectors except the military (implement cuts).
  • Ban the Young Sords (optional, but recommended for ideological consistency).
  • Invest in Gasom and advocate for improved working conditions in Narbel.
  • Appease Gasom protesters by invoking your Red Youth credentials.
  • Repeal the EPA (pursue the "Kiss My Gas" achievement).
  • Sign the GREEN Act (a necessary compromise for socialist gains).

Turn 4:

  • Allow Monica to speak at the Benfi festival (prepare for potential consequences).
  • Form the ACP (Anti-Corruption Police).
  • Raise taxes on corporations while maintaining them for SMEs.
  • Refrain from privatizing state assets.
  • Implement education reforms.
  • Secure Albin’s support for constitutional changes by offering him the VP position.
  • Negotiate with Gloria regarding constitutional reforms:
    • Emphasize the importance of reforms for Sordland’s future.
    • Highlight popular support for the proposed changes.
    • Frame the impeachment threshold change as a democratic measure.
    • Concede on removing the Minister of Health’s immunity.
  • Invest in Lorren.
  • Replace incompetent SSC managers.
  • Sign the Worker’s Rights Act.
  • Invest in Gruni crop research.
  • Outwit Lucian in a game of chess.

Turn 5:

  • Veto the Religious Harmony bill.
  • Accept aid from the United Cortana.
  • Task the ACP with investigating the Old Guard.
  • Maintain relaxed immigration policies.
  • Invest in FC Anrica (made possible by Tusk’s "donation").
  • Cultivate a positive relationship with the Agnolian PM to secure a favorable trade deal.
  • Negotiate the Whelen trade deal with "funny guy" in exchange for border security against the BFF.

Turn 6:

  • Abolish mandatory military conscription.
  • Establish the Sarna Agricultural Zone.
  • Maintain state control over healthcare and improve rural access.
  • Maintain state control over education and improve rural quality.
  • Ban the teaching of creationism in schools.
  • Sell 2/3 of Gasom shares (+6 budget).
  • Sign the Central Bank Reinforcement Act.
  • Direct Nia to create the Bergia Semi-Autonomous Zone.
  • Issue a joint statement with the PFJP supporting Ishval Ersen.
  • Allocate funds to lobby MPs.

Turn 7:

  • Collaborate with Bludish leaders to amend constitutional articles 6 & 7.
  • Reassure Koronti that you won’t interfere in Oligarch affairs.
  • Nationalize Bergia Steel.
  • Veto the Unified Education Language Act.
  • Form an alliance with Ricter and the PFJP.
  • Grant asylum to the whistleblower.
  • Initiate trade negotiations with Valgsland.
  • Send your son to study in United Cortana.
  • Follow the guide for amending articles 6 & 7:
    • Secure USP support by conceding on the EPA and arresting a Bludish leader.
    • Reject Ricter’s demands for credit; stand firm on your principles.
  • Arrange a meeting with Heron through Lucian.
  • Agree to Hawker’s impeachment to appease Heron (with no intention of following through).
  • Formalize the PFJP alliance, remove Hawker, and amend the party manifesto.
  • Prevent Lileas from taking drastic action against the BFF.
  • Revise the party manifesto to reflect socialist values.
  • Appoint the most experienced candidate to the Supreme Court vacancy.
  • Enact the Free Trade & Commerce Commission, Rural Education Institutes, and De-Sollanization decrees.
  • Sign the Bergia Semi-Autonomous Governance Act.
  • Strengthen ties with Valgsland and support Comrade Hegel.
  • During the Petr scandal, blame Rumburg and manage the press conference to maintain stability.
  • Establish the Women’s Rights Commission and donate remaining funds to the Sordish League of Women.
  • Support Iosef against Graf in the Gendarmerie conflict.
  • Implement a nationwide polio vaccination program.
  • Sign the Less Smoke Tax and provide free dental care.
  • Attend the Aschraf ceremony.
  • Accept agricultural aid from the United Cortana.
  • Invest in the electronics sector.

Turn 9:

  • Sign the Women’s Liberation Act.
  • Sign the Children for Future Act.
  • Veto the Human Dignity Act.
  • Utilize decree powers to enact the Minority Rights Act.
  • Implement taxes on alcohol and luxury goods.
  • Maintain diplomatic relations with Rumburg despite the plane incident.
  • Proceed with the military parade.
  • Meet with Malenyev and join the CSP.
  • Purge the Old Guard from the government.
  • Deliver an inspiring speech to FC Anrica before "the Big Game."
  • Achieve a balanced budget to unlock the free housing program.

Turn 10:

  • Advocate for a universal basic income during the final debates.
  • Secure victory in the presidential election.


Congratulations, comrade! You have successfully guided Sordland towards a brighter, more equitable future. The seeds of socialism have been sown, and the struggle for a truly just society continues!

Rumburgian Invasion Contingency:

Should your support for Valgsland provoke Rumburgian aggression, follow these steps:


  • Maintain military spending.
  • Forgo the Tusk bribe and the FC Anrica investment.
  • Prioritize stimulus checks over the L-1.
  • Veto the GREEN bill.
  • Implement tax cuts for SMEs.
  • Respond in kind to Rumburg’s consulate closure.
  • During the Petr scandal, accept his resignation and appoint Lucian as VP.
  • Expel Rumburg from OMEC but prevent AN sanctions.

Operation Fallen Crown:

  • Execute Iosef’s pincer strategy with Hegel’s support.
  • Target Dome with Hegel’s assistance.

Victory: By following these steps, you will emerge victorious against Rumburg.


  • Maintain a 10% impeachment threshold to ensure the formation of the People’s Front.
  • After passing the constitution, direct Karl to investigate the opposition instead of the Old Guard.
  • Expose and arrest the NFP leadership for Bernard’s assassination.
  • This will result in a more favorable Assembly composition for passing leftist legislation in the future.

Project Zomboid HottieZ Magazine Spawn Rates: Debunking the Plank Stash Myth

Debunking the Myth of "Lucky" HottieZ Spawns in Project Zomboid

You found a HottieZ magazine in a hidden plank stash and now you think you’re some kind of loot goblin extraordinaire? Hold your horses, survivor. Let’s break down the actual rarity of these coveted magazines in Project Zomboid and separate myth from reality.

Understanding the Odds

The chance of finding a HottieZ magazine varies depending on where you’re looking. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown:


Each of these zombie types has a dismal 0.1% chance of carrying a HottieZ:

  • Green Camo Zombie
  • Desert Camo Zombie
  • Ghille Zombie
  • Redneck Zombie
  • Rocker Zombie
  • Varsity Zombie

(Perhaps a commentary on the magazine’s target demographic?)


Containers offer a mixed bag of probabilities:

  • High Chance (10%-100%):
    • Plank Stash: This is where the confusion arises. While not guaranteed, Plank Stashes have a whopping 20% chance (rolled 8 times!) and another 10% chance (rolled 8 times!) of containing a HottieZ. This significantly increases your odds compared to other locations.
  • Medium Chance (0.5%-2%):
    • Gas Station Counter, Janitor Shelves, School’s Storage Counters, Zippee Mart Storage: 1% chance (dice rolled 4 times)
    • Magazine Racks: 0.5% chance (dice rolled 4 times)
  • Low Chance (0.01%-0.1%):
    • Bathroom Shelf, Bedroom Crates, Closet Crates, Garage Crates (80%), Kitchen Crates, Living Room Crates, Storage Unit Crates (80%): 0.1% chance (dice rolled 4 times)
    • Mechanic’s Shelf (40%): 0.1% chance (dice rolled 4 times)
    • Post Office Shelves and Crates: 0.1% chance (dice rolled 4 times)
    • Prison Cell: 0.01% chance (dice rolled 4 times)


  • Mail Step Van: Offers a flat 1% chance (dice rolled 4 times) of finding a HottieZ in the trunk.


  • Deep Forest: Foraging in the Deep Forest offers a 1/13 chance of finding a "Forest Rarity" item, which itself has a 1% chance of being a HottieZ. This chance is further modified by:
    • +10% if you are a Park Ranger
    • +5% if you are a Veteran
    • +5% if you have the Lucky trait
    • -5% if you have the Unlucky trait (minimum chance not specified)

The Verdict: Plank Stashes vs. The Rest

Finding a HottieZ in a hidden plank stash, while exciting, is statistically not as lucky as finding one in almost any other location. The multiple rolls on the plank stash significantly skew the odds in your favor.

So, the next time you stumble upon this adult magazine in a less obvious spot, consider yourself lucky! You’ve beaten some incredibly low odds.

Elden Ring Beginner’s Guide: Conquer the Lands Between With These Essential Tips

A Comprehensive Elden Ring Beginner’s Guide

Elden Ring, with its expansive world and intricate mechanics, can feel overwhelming for newcomers. While countless guides and tips exist, they often lack cohesion and focus. This guide aims to consolidate the most crucial information, offering a roadmap for new Tarnished to navigate the Lands Between.

This guide primarily uses console controls for clarity, but PC players can find a quick guide to keyboard and mouse keybindings here.

Just Getting Started

  • Character Creation: Don’t overthink your initial character selection. You can respec your stats after defeating Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, and alter your appearance at Fia’s mirror in the Roundtable Hold much earlier.
  • Don’t Skip the Tutorial: After your initial death and awakening in the Cave of Knowledge, descend the hole next to the seated spirit for a valuable tutorial on basic mechanics.
  • Embrace Exploration, Consult Resources Strategically: Elden Ring rewards exploration, but some aspects, like NPC questlines, can be incredibly opaque. Don’t hesitate to consult resources like the Elden Ring Wiki or communities like Reddit for guidance, but prioritize discovering the world organically.

General Tips for Survival

  • Level Up Strategically: Always have a build in mind when allocating stat points. Prioritize Vigor for survivability and your primary damage stat (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith, or Arcane). Familiarize yourself with soft caps to maximize your stat investment.
  • Armor Matters: While not as crucial as Vigor, armor significantly impacts survivability. Endurance increases your equip load, allowing you to wear heavier armor. Aim for medium equip load to avoid hindering your stamina regeneration and movement speed.
  • Retreat and Return Stronger: Don’t be afraid to leave challenging areas or bosses and return later. Exploration often yields upgrades, new skills, and valuable resources to bolster your power.
  • Adapt Your Strategies: Different enemies and bosses are vulnerable to specific strategies and damage types. Experiment with your approach, including utilizing Spirit Summons, which can be acquired from Ranni at the Church of Elleh after obtaining Torrent.
  • Master the Art of Consumables: Cookbooks and crafting materials are plentiful throughout the Lands Between. Experiment with crafting to discover consumables that provide tactical advantages and enhance your build.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: When facing challenging bosses, dedicate time to learning their movesets and practicing your dodge timings. Avoid getting greedy with attacks, especially during a boss’s final moments, as they often unleash more aggressive attacks.
  • Optimize Your Actions: Many actions, like using flasks or casting certain spells, can be performed more quickly by pressing the input again immediately after the initial action.
  • Utilize Target Lock: In areas with low visibility, use target lock (R3) to pinpoint enemies. Be wary of ambushes, as enemies often lurk around corners.
  • Respect the Non-Combatants: Not everyone in the Lands Between is hostile. If an individual doesn’t trigger target lock, they are likely a friendly NPC. Attacking them can have consequences, although the Turtle Pope in Liurnia offers absolution for accidental transgressions.

Navigating the Menus and UI

  • Master Menu Navigation: Important information is spread across various submenus. Use X/Square, Y/Triangle, and R3 to cycle through them efficiently. Hiding the right menu screen with R3 prevents the menu from closing when using an item.
  • Pausing, Elden Ring Style: While the game lacks a traditional pause function, you can achieve a similar effect by navigating to Menu > Equipment > Help > Menu Explanation or Map > Help > Menu Explanation. Note that this doesn’t pause multiplayer functionality.
  • Optimize Your Inventory:
    • Use LB/L1 and RB/R1 to switch between equipment screens without backing out.
    • Use LT/L2 and RT/R2 to navigate menus quickly.
    • From the map menu, press Y/Triangle to return to your last visited Site of Grace or Y>X>A to travel directly to the Roundtable Hold.
    • Customize your pouch and item slots with frequently used items.
    • Sort your inventory using L3 for easier management.
    • Sell excess equipment and store unused items in your Grace chest to reduce clutter.
  • Customize Your Settings: Adjust settings to your preference. Consider disabling camera auto-rotation and auto wall recovery. Increase voice volume for clarity and adjust sound and music levels accordingly. Experiment with control remapping to find what suits you best.
  • Dismiss Message Prompts: Certain prompts, like "Stonesword key was lost with use," require dismissal with the interact button (Y/Triangle by default) before you can perform most actions.

Combat Essentials

  • Avoid Panic Rolling: Master the timing of your dodge rolls to utilize i-frames effectively. Rolling into projectile attacks often proves more effective than rolling away.
  • Magic 101: Equip spells at a Site of Grace under the "Memorize Spell" menu. You’ll need a staff (for sorceries) or a seal (for incantations) to cast them. Experiment with different catalysts, as they offer bonuses to specific spell types.
  • Unleash the Power Stance: Equipping two of the same weapon type in each hand grants access to a unique "Power Stance" moveset, allowing for devastating attacks.
  • Master Your Armaments: Experiment with different weapons and learn their movesets. Utilize crouch-pokes, backstep attacks, jump attacks, and sprinting attacks to diversify your offensive capabilities.
  • Two-Handing for Advantage: Two-handing a weapon increases your effective Strength by 50%, reduces knockback, and often alters the moveset.
  • Understanding Damage Calculation: Weapon damage is determined by upgrade level, stat scaling, and base damage. Utilize online resources like this weapon AR calculator to optimize your weapon choices for your build.
  • Stagger for Critical Hits: Heavy attacks and specific abilities can stagger enemies, leaving them vulnerable to critical hits. Approach a staggered enemy and press R1/RB to execute a critical attack.
  • Shields Up: Prioritize shields with high physical damage negation. Be mindful of your stamina when blocking, as running out leaves you vulnerable. Master guard counters for effective counterattacks.
  • Ranged Combat Tips: Fire bows and crossbows in mid-air or after a roll for increased firing speed. Use L1/LB to aim manually for greater precision.
  • Embrace the Shadows: Utilize stealth to your advantage. Crouch, use cover, and consider talismans, spells, or armor that enhance stealth. Distract enemies with sound to isolate and eliminate them strategically.
  • Torrent, Your Loyal Steed:
    • Hold the strong attack button while mounted to drag your weapon along the ground for a powerful sweeping attack.
    • Jump while charging heavy attacks for devastating aerial assaults.
    • Equip Rowa berries to replenish Torrent’s health and avoid dismounts.
    • Mount Torrent while moving to maintain momentum.
    • Change direction when dismounting by pushing the left stick in the desired direction.
    • Utilize double jumps to maneuver in tight spaces.
    • Spirit Springs provide fall damage protection, allowing for safe descents from great heights.
  • Hidden Mechanics to Master:
    • Chain light attacks for increased damage with each consecutive hit.
    • Spears gain a damage bonus when striking enemies winding up an attack.
    • Curved swords and thrusting swords can cancel charged strong attacks with a quick attack and backstep.
    • Thrusting swords and spears can perform light attacks while blocking with a shield.

Exploration and Discovery

  • Prioritize Map Fragments: Seek out obelisks in unexplored regions to locate map fragments, revealing the area’s topography.
  • Decipher Map Icons: Familiarize yourself with map icons to identify points of interest, including mines, dungeons, graveyards, and more.
  • Unveiling Illusions: Roll into suspicious walls to uncover hidden paths and secrets. Utilize Margit’s Shackle or Mohg’s Shackle to reveal illusory walls and activate pillars within a large radius.
  • Rainbow Stones: More Than Meets the Eye:
    • Throw rainbow stones off ledges to gauge fall damage. A shattered stone indicates a fatal drop.
    • Use rainbow stones to mark your path through looping dungeons.
  • Platforming Techniques:
    • Execute a sprint jump by jumping, holding sprint in mid-air, and jumping again upon landing.
    • Opt for walking jumps or rolls for more controlled platforming.
    • Utilize i-frames when mounting or dismounting Torrent to avoid damage.

Multiplayer: Co-operation and Competition

  • Summoning Allies: Activate summoning pools outside boss arenas and use a Furlcalling Finger Remedy to reveal summon signs from other players. Recent updates allow you to broadcast your summon sign to all discovered summoning pools, making it easier to find assistance.
  • Understanding Summon Signs: Yellow signs represent friendly summons, while red signs indicate hostile summons or duelists.
  • The Importance of Etiquette:
    • When summoned for a duel, engage in a gesture of respect before fighting.
    • Refrain from using Rune Arcs or healing flasks during duels, as it is considered unsporting.
  • Leaving Your Mark: You can leave up to 10 messages for other players. Helpful and entertaining messages often earn appraisals, rewarding you with a significant health boost.
  • Severing Connections: Use the Finger Severer to dismiss unwanted summons, including NPCs, spirits, and players.

Bonus Tips and Tricks

  • Flask of Wondrous Physic: Obtain this invaluable flask from the Third Church of Marika in Limgrave. Experiment with Crystal Tears to customize its effects.
  • Light Your Way: Purchase a torch from Kale early on and upgrade to a lantern as soon as possible. Consider using torches with special properties, like the Beast-Repellant Torch or the Steel-Wire Torch.
  • Exploit Enemy Weaknesses: Research enemy weaknesses to gain an advantage in combat. For example, Royal Revenants are vulnerable to area-of-effect healing spells.
  • Turn the Tide with the Environment: Use enemies and the environment to your advantage. Lure enemies into traps or pit them against each other.
  • Escape Grabs: Rapidly press face buttons or triggers to break free from multi-hit grab attacks.
  • Cleansing Status Ailments: Rolling in poison or rot inflicts the status effect even after leaving the area. Use soap to halt the buildup and boluses to remove existing buildup.
  • Break Through: Roll or jump through breakable objects. Jumping from a distance allows you to land on top of some objects.
  • Weather Matters: Rain amplifies lightning damage and weakens fire damage. Lightning attacks also create shockwaves when striking water.

Most Importantly: Enjoy the Journey

Elden Ring is a game best experienced through personal discovery. Don’t be afraid to experiment, make mistakes, and forge your own path through the Lands Between. Your Tarnished, your story.

Dominate Top Lane with Briar: A Master-Tier Guide (Plus AMA)

Feast on Them: A Master-Tier Guide to Briar Top (Plus AMA)

Hello everyone, I’m Nathan, better known as CrimsonL7 in the League of Legends community. As a newly minted Masters-tier Briar/Vlad Top player, and the recent rank one Briar in North America, I’m excited to share the knowledge I’ve gained about this ferocious champion in a top lane setting.

While I enjoy playing Briar, my disdain for the jungle role prevents me from one-tricking her. This leaves me with top and mid, but the short lane in mid hinders Briar’s potential. Therefore, top lane it is! At the time of writing this guide, I hold a 65% win rate over 60 games as Briar top this season. While I may not be the highest elo player, the lack of high-elo Briar Top representation motivated me to create this guide. Consider this your source for mastering the untamed power of Briar top.

This guide aims to answer your questions about why Briar Top is a viable pick, how to leverage her strengths, and ultimately, how to dominate your lane opponents.

Table of Contents

Runes and Summoner Spells

Let’s dissect the optimal rune setup for Briar Top. Since her release, there’s been debate surrounding the ideal keystone: Press the Attack (PTA), Conqueror, or Hail of Blades. While PTA and Conqueror suit a bruiser playstyle, Hail of Blades synergizes with a lethality build. We’ll explore both.

The Outdated Path: Lethality Briar (Don’t Do It)

Upon release, Briar’s lethality build overshadowed her bruiser potential, turning her into a living weapon of destruction, sacrificing her own life to obliterate anyone in her path. However, Riot nerfed this playstyle in patch 14.2, shifting some of her abilities to magic damage and scaling her bonus healing with health, incentivizing bruiser itemization. While I strongly advise against lethality Briar top, I’ll briefly explain its mechanics for context.

Major Keystone:

Hail of Blades reigns supreme for lethality Briar, enabling her signature one-shot potential. The core combo involves casting W, then Q onto an enemy, unleashing the empowered auto-attacks before canceling the fourth auto with W’s recast. This devastating sequence can eliminate most squishy targets.

Minor Keystones:

  • Sudden Impact: Briar’s ability to proc this rune with three of her abilities, coupled with the low cooldown, makes it ideal for amplifying her early game burst damage.
  • Eyeball Collection: This rune provides a steady stream of bonus AD, rewarding Briar’s aggressive playstyle and snowball potential.
  • Treasure Hunter: Accelerating your access to crucial lethality items is paramount, making Treasure Hunter the optimal choice in this row.

Secondary Runes:

Precision tree complements lethality Briar’s need for raw damage.

  • Legend: Alacrity: Increased attack speed translates to more damage, amplifying Briar’s killing power.
  • Coup de Grace: Since lethality Briar thrives on bursting enemies from full health, Coup de Grace’s execute synergy with her bite makes it a superior choice over Cut Down.

Mini Runes:

Always opt for double adaptive force and early health for a balanced stat boost.


While any item with lethality might seem tempting, this build severely underperforms in the top lane. I recommend researching popular assassin builds for a general idea, but don’t expect miracles.

The Superior Choice: CHAD Bruiser Briar Top

Eclipsed by lethality in the past, bruiser Briar now takes center stage. This build transforms her into an unstoppable force, capable of taking over games with a few early kills. Her strengths include exceptional 1v1 dueling, unmatched wave clear, strong 1v2 potential, and oppressive late-game side lane control. This section will equip you with the knowledge to unleash her true potential.

Summoner Spells

Teleport + Ignite: This combination is essential for 90% of your games. Ignite amplifies Briar’s already potent dueling, allowing her to overwhelm even the most formidable top lane champions. While some might argue that her global ultimate negates the need for Teleport, Briar’s R is notoriously unreliable.

Think of it this way: You’re in a crucial Baron fight, and you see an opportunity to unleash your ultimate from bot lane. You confidently cast it, only to watch in horror as it sails past your intended target, leading to your team’s demise.

Instead, utilize Teleport’s strategic advantage. Teleport to a flank ward behind the enemy team, putting your R in a near-guaranteed position to connect. This not only secures the engage but also pincers the enemy team, setting up your team for a decisive victory.


Flash holds limited value on Briar, as attempting to escape while berserked often leads to running back towards danger. Consider it only for additional safety in extremely unfavorable matchups where early aggression from champions like Olaf, Tryndamere, or Darius could spell disaster.

Main Keystone

Since the PTA rework in patch 14.10 and the changes to Briar’s Q in 14.2, PTA has become the undisputed king for bruiser Briar. The ability for Briar’s A to proc on-hit effects, including PTA, allows her to fully stack it in under a second.

But it gets even better! PTA’s duration persists as long as the user remains in combat. While most champions lose PTA after a trade, Briar’s bleed continuously refreshes its duration, granting her additional time to re-engage if desired. This synergy makes PTA the undisputed champion for bruiser Briar, outperforming even Conqueror in every scenario.

Minor Keystones:

  • Triumph: This rune is simply broken on bruiser Briar. The healing it provides, amplified by her passive, makes it comparable to a Death’s Dance. Trust me, you won’t regret taking it.
  • Legend: Alacrity/Legend: Bloodline: This is where personal preference comes into play. I favor Legend: Alacrity, as Briar struggles to build attack speed, making the rune’s bonus valuable. Additionally, its early game focus synergizes well with Briar’s snowball potential. While Legend: Bloodline offers more healing, it can be rendered useless by a single piece of anti-heal.
  • Last Stand: This clutch rune can single-handedly turn the tide of a fight. It’s incredibly powerful on any champion that can utilize it, and Briar is no exception.
  • Bone Plating: This rune is my go-to in the secondary tree, even in poke matchups. As a dive champion, Briar benefits immensely from the added tankiness it provides, allowing for aggressive plays when it’s available. Even against poke, simply wait for Bone Plating to recharge before engaging, effectively gaining extra health for the trade.
  • Overgrowth: Free health is always welcome. This rune provides additional survivability and synergizes with Briar’s passive healing. It’s essentially 300-400 gold worth of health, making it a no-brainer.

Understanding Briar’s Identity

Riot categorizes Briar as a dive champion, blending assassin and bruiser elements. This assessment rings true! Her primary objective is to appear out of nowhere in a teamfight, wreaking havoc and obliterating anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in her path. This unique and enjoyable playstyle sets her apart from the rest of the roster.

Briar: A Scaling Champion?

Contrary to popular belief, I consider Briar a scaling pick. While she might have resembled champions like Lee Sin or Pantheon on release, capable of deleting targets at level 2 or 3, the current iteration of Briar requires a different approach.

Don’t misunderstand, I’m not implying that Briar is weak early. However, even without snowballing, she can still become a late-game monster. In fact, Briar possesses one of the weakest level 1-3s among top laners. Think of her like Aatrox, whose early game strength is gated behind his Q’s second rank. Similarly, Briar’s true potential unfolds as she levels her W, gaining valuable stats with each point. Once her W is maxed, each point in Q further amplifies her power with bonus armor and magic resistance shred.

Early Game Domination: Laning Phase and Matchup Guide

As mentioned earlier, Briar’s level 1 and 2 are among the weakest in the top lane. Your primary goal is to survive. This might seem daunting, as opponents will undoubtedly exploit your lack of Flash and pressure aggressively. Focus on farming what you can, conceding when necessary, and allowing the wave to push towards your tower. This mitigates your early game vulnerability and sets up future kills, as Briar excels at running down opponents, which proves difficult under their own turret.

The Secret Sauce: Abusing PTA for Easy Kills

With the advent of the new PTA, a potent combo has emerged for Briar top (credit to Drututt for popularizing it). The combo is simple: cast W, then Q onto your opponent, securing the first PTA proc. Allow Briar to auto-attack once for the second PTA proc, then immediately recast W for an auto-attack reset, fully stacking PTA. Finally, use E to disengage.

This trade is incredibly powerful and leaves little room for counterplay. However, it’s crucial to avoid using it while overextended, as it leaves you vulnerable without cooldowns. The optimal time to strike is when the wave is crashing under your tower, guaranteeing your safety after the trade. Rinse and repeat this combo until you can confidently all-in and secure the kill. It’s that simple.

Mid and Late Game Mastery: Scaling into a Nightmare

Congratulations on winning your lane! Now what? You have two primary options:

  1. Become a Bush Assassin: Position yourself off vision and patiently wait for unsuspecting prey to wander into your R range. This almost always guarantees a free kill in a 1v1 scenario.
  2. Side Lane Pressure and Ganks: Push your lane and rotate to gank mid lane or join jungle skirmishes with a numbers advantage. With a few kills under your belt, extending your lead becomes effortless. Even getting ganked can work in your favor, as you can often trade 1 for 1. Embrace a fearless mindset, as high deaths are often a byproduct of Briar’s aggressive playstyle.

Briar’s mid-game macro mirrors that of most top laners. If you’re comfortable with the role, you’ll thrive here.

Late Game Dominance: The Unkillable Vampire Queen

With 4-5 items, you become a force of nature. Only the most skilled duelists with significant gold and anti-heal can withstand your 1v1 prowess. Landing your R spells doom for the enemy team, as they’ll need their full might to overcome your healing, health, and bonus resistances.

Prioritize playing around your R in the late game. Use it only when you’re confident of a hit, and remember the Teleport trick to guarantee a backline engage.

Item Build for Bruiser Briar

While item guides tend to become outdated quickly, I’ll outline the core stats Briar prioritizes, allowing you to adapt your build based on the game state.

Core Stats (in order of priority):

  1. Cooldown Reduction: Lower cooldowns significantly amplify Briar’s strength, enabling more frequent berserks, shreds, and stuns.
  2. Attack Damage: This one’s a no-brainer.
  3. Health: Briar’s low base health and passive scaling make stacking health incredibly valuable.
  4. Attack Speed/Lifesteal: Blade of the Ruined King (Bork) is the only item that provides both, making it a core component of any bruiser Briar build.

My Go-To Core Build:

  • Black Cleaver: Provides a good mix of AD, HP, and CDR, with the added bonus of armor shredding.
  • Blade of the Ruined King: Offers attack speed, lifesteal, and on-hit damage, synergizing perfectly with Briar’s kit.
  • Randuin’s Omen: Grants armor, health, and a powerful active that reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies, making it ideal for teamfights.

After completing your core, adapt your build based on the game state and the stats outlined above. Remember, prioritize CDR over raw AD or health on your first back.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

  • Master the Wall Stun: Briar’s E deals significant damage and inflicts a lengthy stun when used against a wall. Guarantee the stun by casting Q, then immediately channeling E towards the wall. This combo is perfect for poking without committing to a full engage.
  • Maximize E Healing: Hitting the entire minion wave with your E significantly increases your regeneration due to your bleed passive.
  • Doran’s Blade over Doran’s Shield: In most cases, Doran’s Blade outperforms Doran’s Shield on Briar. The additional AD and lifesteal provide more lane sustain and kill pressure.

Ask Me Anything (AMA)

That concludes my guide to Briar Top. I hope you found it informative and insightful. Now, it’s your turn! Feel free to ask any questions you might have about Briar, this guide, or even Vlad Top (another champion I enjoy playing). Let’s discuss and refine our understanding of these powerful champions together!

Clash Royale Evolution Royal Giant Guide: Master the Knockback and Dominate with this Strategy

Dominate the Arena with the Evolution Royal Giant: A Comprehensive Strategy Guide

The Evolution Royal Giant is a powerful win condition in Clash Royale, capable of delivering consistent damage to enemy towers. This guide delves into the card’s mechanics, effective usage, synergistic pairings, and how to counter it. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, mastering the Evolution Royal Giant can significantly elevate your gameplay.

Understanding the Royal Giant’s Power

The Royal Giant sets itself apart from its melee counterpart, the Giant, with its impressive 5-tile range. This allows it to chip away at towers from a safe distance, making it a persistent threat on the battlefield.

Evolution: Unleashing the Knockback

The Evolution Royal Giant gains a game-changing ability: a knockback effect with each tower or building hit. This effectively neutralizes swarms like Skeleton Army and Goblin Gang, which are common counters to the standard Royal Giant. This ability also reduces reliance on small spells for defense, freeing up elixir for other strategic plays.

Synergistic Pairings: Maximizing the Royal Giant’s Potential

The Royal Giant shines brightest when paired with cards that complement its strengths and cover its weaknesses. Here are some powerful combinations:

  • Monk: Positioned in front, the Monk acts as a shield, reflecting projectiles and absorbing damage meant for the Royal Giant.

  • Evo Bomber/Evo Firecracker: The Royal Giant tanks for these ranged attackers, allowing them to unleash devastating splash damage on the tower.

  • Fisherman: This versatile card pulls key defenders like Knights, PEKKAs, and Mini PEKKAs away from the Royal Giant, forcing your opponent to overcommit on defense.

  • Phoenix: This aerial support unit counters air threats unaffected by the Evolution Royal Giant’s knockback and distracts buildings like Inferno Towers and Teslas. Its egg provides additional pressure, demanding an elixir response from your opponent.

  • Electro Spirit: This fast-cycling card eliminates swarms like Bats and Spear Goblins while resetting Inferno Tower and Inferno Dragon attacks, giving the Royal Giant more time to deal damage.

  • Rage: Combined with the Evolution Royal Giant’s knockback, Rage creates an unstoppable force, pushing back and overwhelming ground troops like Mini PEKKAs and Knights.

  • Evo Wizard: This recent addition boasts high hitpoints and a knockback effect upon shield break, making it a formidable offensive and defensive partner for the Royal Giant.

  • Miner: A classic pairing with win conditions, the Miner tanks tower shots while the Royal Giant focuses on delivering damage.

Effective Deck Archetypes

Here are two deck examples showcasing the Evolution Royal Giant’s versatility:

Deck 1: Classic Beatdown

This deck focuses on a strong offensive push with the Evo Royal Giant, supported by the Evo Bomber and Monk. Phoenix provides air defense and building distraction, while Fisherman pulls away enemy troops. Electro Spirit and Barbarian Barrel offer cycling options, and Fireball serves as the primary spell.

Deck 2: Knockback Control

This deck utilizes the Evo Wizard’s knockback and survivability alongside the Evo Royal Giant. The buffed Prince adds pressure, Void eliminates tanks, and Log/Rage provides additional support.

Meta Analysis: Navigating the Current Battlefield

The Evolution Royal Giant thrives in the current meta, especially with the prevalence of Dagger Duchess as a tower troop. The Monk’s ability to reflect daggers makes it an invaluable asset. However, the rise of Goblin Machine and Goblin Curse, along with the abundance of PEKKAs, requires careful planning and execution. Pairing the Evolution Royal Giant with the buffed Ram Rider or Prince can create formidable offensive combinations.

Mastering the Playstyle: Patience and Precision

Playing the Evolution Royal Giant effectively demands a controlled approach. Focus on gaining elixir advantages and capitalizing on opponent mistakes. Avoid committing to single elixir pushes unless punishing an overextended opponent. Double or triple elixir timings are ideal for launching powerful assaults.

Countering the Royal Giant: Effective Strategies

When facing an Evolution Royal Giant, prioritize defensive buildings like Cannon, Tesla, and Bomb Tower. These offer cost-effective solutions to mitigate its ranged attacks. Swarm cards can overwhelm the Royal Giant, but be wary of spells and the Evolution’s knockback. The Log’s knockback can buy precious time for your troops to finish it off. Air units like Bats, Minions, Minion Horde, and even Royal Ghost are unaffected by the knockback and can deal significant damage.

Conclusion: A Powerful Asset in the Right Hands

The Evolution Royal Giant is a potent win condition capable of dominating the arena when utilized correctly. Its long range, combined with the evolution’s knockback, makes it a force to be reckoned with. By understanding its strengths, synergistic pairings, and effective counters, you can add this powerful card to your arsenal and climb the ranks in Clash Royale.

Pekka Bridgespam vs. Giant Fisherman Clash Royale Guide: Secure Your Win

Dismantling the Giant Fisherman: A Pekka Bridgespam Guide

Facing off against the mighty Giant Fisherman deck can be daunting for a Pekka Bridgespam player. This guide, based on extensive experience battling this formidable archetype, will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to emerge victorious.

Understanding the Giant’s Strength

The recent rise of Beatdown decks, particularly Giant Beatdown spearheaded by the Fisherman, presents a unique challenge. This guide focuses on dismantling the popular Giant Fisherman variant, providing a strategic edge in this matchup.

General Tips for Success

  • Play the Patience Game: Especially in single elixir, a passive approach allows for calculated reactions to your opponent’s moves.
  • The Little Prince’s Defense: Always aim to have the Little Prince ready to counter a Giant at the bridge. If caught off guard, the Electro Wizard can substitute, but expect significant tower damage.
  • Track the Bomber: Keep a close eye on your opponent’s cycle to anticipate the Evo Bomber’s arrival.
  • Counterpush is Key: Your primary path to victory lies in well-timed counterpushes. Capitalize on opponent overcommits by punishing with a calculated push, considering their available cards. For instance, a Bandit placed in front of a Battle Ram becomes a serious threat if the opponent lacks a Knight.

Gameplan Breakdown

Starting Strong

The initial phase involves cycling through cards like Bandit, Ghost, Zap, Battle Ram, and Arrows (unless facing an Evo Bomber). Allow your opponent to make the first move, revealing their strategy.

  • Identifying the Archetype: Early Phoenix or Fisherman deployments often signal a Giant or Royal Giant deck.
  • Strategic Cycling: Direct your card cycle towards the opposite lane of your opponent’s troops. For example, counter a Bomber played in the back with a Ghost in the opposite lane, forcing out a Knight. This clears the path for a Bandit to dash onto the Bomber and damage the tower.

Mastering Defense

Giant players typically deploy their namesake at the bridge against Pekka. If they don’t, exploit their misplay with a counter Pekka.

  • Patience with the Pekka: Place the Little Prince in the anti-Void spot beside your tower and observe your opponent’s response.
  • Countering Support Troops: Utilize the Little Prince’s ability to deflect Phoenix attacks. An Electro Wizard in the same spot effectively neutralizes Bats, paving the way for a Pekka attack on the weakened Night Witch.
  • Timing the Pekka Deployment: Two scenarios dictate Pekka placement:
    • Fisherman Presence: Wait for the Fisherman to cross the bridge before deploying Pekka directly on top. A well-placed Zap ensures a one-hit knockout, allowing the Pekka to target the Giant and remaining support troops. Stay vigilant for the Evo Bomber.
    • Delayed Support: If the opponent hesitates after playing the Giant, anticipate a Lightning or Arrows spell targeting the Little Prince. Position Pekka on top of the Giant near your tower, preventing a Fisherman pull.
  • Minimizing Damage: Accepting minor tower damage from a Giant is often preferable to a wasted Pekka.

Counterpushing for Victory

Effective counterpushes hinge on eliminating the Evo Bomber and Little Prince. Ideally, have Evo Zap and Arrows ready.

  • Neutralizing Threats: Snipe the Little Prince with a Bandit, utilizing Zap for a swift takedown. The Electro Wizard excels on offense, effectively eliminating a Phoenix near the bridge.
  • Unleashing the Bridgespam: With the threats neutralized, deploy your Battle Ram, Ghost, and Little Prince (using his ability) to overwhelm the opponent’s fragile support troops.
  • Spell Support: Utilize spells to maximize your push’s effectiveness.

Spell Strategies

While this guide focuses on Giant Fisherman, these spell strategies apply to any deck lacking swarm units or reset triggers.

  • Beyond Swarm Control: Zap and Arrows are not limited to countering swarms. They excel at eliminating fragile support units, allowing your bridgespam cards to deal damage quickly.

Key Spell Interactions

Understanding spell interactions is crucial for maximizing damage output and card effectiveness.

  • Bandit:
    • Zap + Bandit: One dash and a hit to eliminate Musketeer, Wizard, Electro Wizard, Ice Wizard, Little Prince.
    • Arrows + Bandit: One dash to eliminate the same troops as above, plus Magic Archer, Mother Witch, and Barb Barrel.
  • Ghost:
    • Zap + Ghost: Two hits to eliminate Ice Wizard, Electro Wizard (except at max level), Magic Archer, Mother Witch, Barb Barrel, and Little Prince.
  • Pekka:
    • Zap + Pekka: Two hits to eliminate a Knight (instead of three).
    • Zap + Pekka: One hit to eliminate Bandit, Night Witch, Fisherman, Witch, Hunter, and Archer Queen (instead of two).


Mastering the art of countering the Giant Fisherman requires patience, strategic card deployment, and a deep understanding of spell interactions. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to dismantle this formidable opponent and claim victory on the battlefield.

Clash Royale Balloon Guide: Mastering the Void and Countering Dagger Duchess

Navigating the Void: A Balloon Enthusiast’s Guide to the Current Meta

For eight years, I’ve been a devoted Clash Royale player, witnessing countless meta shifts and experimenting with various decks and archetypes. Yet, the Balloon has always held a special place in my heart. A year ago, my anti-meta Balloon deck propelled me to the top 7000 players worldwide. While I considered that the pinnacle of my Clash Royale journey, the game’s evolution, particularly with the introduction of the Void, has reignited my passion.

This guide is dedicated to sharing my insights as a seasoned Balloon aficionado, focusing on the card’s interaction with the Void and the formidable Dagger Duchess. While not exhaustive (we won’t delve into Hound-Balloon variations), I encourage you to share your own experiences and strategies in the comments below.

The Balloon, The Void, and The Duchess: A Tricky Triangle

Let’s address the elephant, or rather, the void in the room: a triple-voided Balloon is left with a measly 48 HP (1680 – 544 x 3 = 48). This vulnerability to any air-targeting troop or tower spells doom for popular archetypes like Miner-Loon and Loon-Freeze. Lumberloon, too, faces a swift demise against a well-placed Void.

So, how do we navigate this volatile landscape? Let’s explore some potential solutions:

1. The Skeleton King: A Potential Void-Buster?

Remember the niche Skeleton King-Balloon deck? While expensive at 11 elixir, the King’s ability to divert Void strikes, coupled with his impressive 16-dagger absorption capacity against the Duchess (compared to Lumberjack’s 9, Miner’s 8, Ice Golem’s 8, and Barbarian Barrel’s 5), might just be the answer we’re looking for.

2. Evo Knight: Shielding the Balloon from Dagger Doom

The Evo Knight emerges as a strong contender against the Dagger Duchess, effectively shielding the Balloon from her lethal daggers. However, opponents will likely try to separate the two. Preemptively blocking the Void with a Miner or using Tornado to group distracting units towards the Knight can counter this strategy.

3. Ice Golem: A Budget-Friendly, Yet Fragile, Shield

While less robust than the Evo Knight, the Ice Golem offers a cheaper alternative, preventing the opponent from isolating your Balloon. Be wary of the Duchess’s burst damage, which can quickly eliminate this mini-tank, leaving your Balloon exposed. Pairing the Ice Golem with a Miner is recommended.

💡 Pro Tip: As user u/JamlessSandwich astutely pointed out, you can use Zap on an Ice Golem after it absorbs four daggers to redirect the remaining daggers to the Balloon, potentially turning the tables on your opponent.

4. Swarm Troops: Distracting the Void, With Caveats

Theoretically, swarm troops like Bats, Skeleton Dragons, and Minions can distract the Void and absorb some damage. However, their vulnerability to spells and splash damage makes them unreliable as a standalone solution. Combining them with a Miner or another tank is crucial for a more potent push.

5. Phoenix: A Fiery Guardian, With Counterplay Considerations

The Phoenix-Balloon combo presents an intriguing option. The Phoenix, absorbing seven of the Duchess’s eight daggers, protects the Balloon from both the tower and the Void. Upon death, the Balloon tanks for the egg, which can withstand at least two Void strikes. However, this strategy is susceptible to bridge-blocking, spells, and splash damage. Again, a well-placed Miner can mitigate these risks.

The Future of the Balloon in the Void-Filled Arena

The Balloon’s journey in this ever-evolving meta is far from over. As new cards and mechanics emerge, so too will innovative strategies and synergies. This guide merely scratches the surface of what’s possible.

Let’s continue to explore, experiment, and share our passion for this iconic card. The arena awaits, and the sky’s the limit!

Clash Royale Mega Knight Counters: Dominate the Arena with These Strategies

Conquer the Mega Knight: An Ultimate Guide for Clash Royale Players

Many Clash Royale players, especially in lower arenas, find themselves frustrated when facing the mighty Mega Knight. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to overcome this challenge and dominate the arena.

Understanding the Frustration: Why Mega Knight is Feared

The Mega Knight’s dreaded splash damage is the root of most players’ woes. It obliterates swarms like the Skeleton Army, a common counter to tanks. A Mega Knight dropped on your support troops can decimate an entire push, leaving your tank vulnerable.

Let’s analyze a common scenario: You’re launching a classic Giant double Prince push, only to have it countered by a well-timed Mega Knight. Your support troops crumble, leaving your Giant exposed.

Turning the Tables: Effective Mega Knight Counters

The key to countering the Mega Knight lies in understanding its weaknesses and exploiting them. Here’s how:

1. Air Superiority:

Always include an air troop in your pushes, especially when deploying a tank. A well-placed Baby Dragon or Minions behind your Giant will punish the Mega Knight and keep your push alive.

2. Divert and Destroy:

The Mega Knight’s splash damage is only effective in close range. Use this to your advantage by splitting your push. For example, deploy your Pekka in one lane, forcing the opponent to react. While they’re distracted, build a counter-push in the other lane. By the time the Mega Knight reaches your Pekka, it will be overwhelmed.

3. Spellbinding Power:

Heavy spells like Fireball and Lightning are your best friends against the Mega Knight. While a skilled player can often counter a lone Mega Knight, these spells become essential when it’s paired with support troops like Wizards or Witches.

4. High-Damage Assassins:

Deploying high-damage units like Sparky, Elite Barbarians, or the ever-reliable Mini Pekka can quickly eliminate the Mega Knight before it wreaks havoc.

Bonus Tips and Tricks:

  • Heal Spirit: A well-timed Heal Spirit can keep your push alive against the Mega Knight’s onslaught.
  • Fight Fire with Fire: Use your own Mega Knight defensively, paired with an Inferno Dragon or Mini Pekka, to shut down the opponent’s push.
  • The Pekka Executioner Tornado Zap Combo: This devastating combination, popular in mid-ladder, can obliterate swarms, eliminate tanks, and even take down the mighty Mega Knight.

Deck Building Strategies:

  • Avoid Double Fireball Targets: Using two troops weak to Fireball, like Wizard and Ice Wizard, gives your opponent a significant advantage. Opt for a Wizard paired with Minions or another air troop instead.

From the Arena to Your Screen:

These strategies are battle-tested. In a personal experiment, a level 10 account was taken to 6000 trophies (equivalent to 7500 in the current system), achieving over 40 Classic Challenge victories. Even more impressively, five of those victories were secured using Mega Knight decks!

Remember, knowledge is power in the arena. By understanding the Mega Knight’s strengths and weaknesses, and by implementing these strategies, you can turn a feared opponent into a stepping stone on your path to victory!

Feel free to share your own Mega Knight experiences and strategies in the comments below!

Diablo 2 Resurrected Terror Zone Drop Rates: 10,000 Runs Data Analysis (Chaos Sanctuary, Catacombs, Tal Rasha’s Tombs)

Terror Zone Treasure Trove: 10,000 Runs, Optimal Farming, and Surprising Results

This is the story of the most intense, meticulously planned farming project I’ve ever undertaken in Diablo II: Resurrected: 10,000 runs across 83 hours of Terrorized Catacombs, Tal Rasha Tombs, and Chaos Sanctuary. This game may be ruining my sleep schedule, but the loot is oh-so-sweet.

Introduction: The Allure of Terror Zones

Patch 2.5 introduced Terror Zones, breathing new life into D2R’s farming scene. These zones offer a dynamic way to target specific areas and enjoy boosted drop rates from higher-level monsters. The real game-changer? The increased drop rates for ultra-rare Treasure Class 87 (TC87) items like Griffon’s Eye, Death’s Fathom, and The Grandfather.

While initial data on these drop rates surfaced from game files, the randomness of online maps made consistent testing difficult. Patch 2.6 changed that by bringing Terror Zones to Single Player. Crucially, these single-player Terror Zones follow a predictable pattern based on a fixed seed and your system time. This means everyone experiences the same Terror Zone rotation.

Cracking the Code and Planning the Grind

Thanks to the incredible efforts of the D2R community, the entire year’s Terror Zone schedule was quickly deciphered. Armed with this knowledge and a fantastic map seed, I embarked on my journey. My goal: 10,000 runs targeting the most lucrative Terror Zones.

The Build: A Meteoric Sorceress

To maximize efficiency, I opted for a Level 98 Fireball/Meteor Sorceress.

Gear Highlights:

  • Weapons: Oculus (Ist), Death Fathom
  • Armor: Shako (Ist), Skullder’s Ire (Ist)
  • Accessories: 40% MF Chance Guards, Goldwrap, War Traveler (46-50% MF), 2/20/20/20/20 MF Amulet, FCR/Resistance/MF Rings
  • Inventory: Cube, Torch, Annihilus, Gheed’s Fortune (39-40% MF), Resistance/MF Small Charms

This setup provided a balance of survivability, damage output, and a healthy 709% Magic Find.

Terror Zone Targets: A Calculated Approach

While many zones offer potential rewards, I focused on three primary targets:

Duriel: The Overlooked Treasure (2,668 Runs)

Often dismissed due to his infamous teleport charges, Terrorized Duriel boasts a unique double-drop mechanic that significantly boosts his rare item potential. While his overall TC87 drop rate is lower than other bosses, his speed makes him a surprisingly viable option. My average run clocked in at a brisk 30-32 seconds on Players 3 difficulty.

Watch a sample Duriel run

Duriel Drop Log:

Diablo: The Challenging Guardian (861 Runs)

Terrorized Diablo is a whole new beast. He can now drop every item in the game, including those previously exclusive to other bosses. With seven potential drops per kill, including drops from the Seal Bosses, his TC87 potential is immense. However, the increased monster density and Diablo’s own power made these runs far more challenging.

Watch a sample Diablo run

Diablo Drop Log:

Andariel: The Queen of Uniques (6,483 Runs)

Terrorized Andariel is the undisputed champion of TC87 farming. Her "Quest Loot Table" eliminates gold and junk drops, significantly increasing the chances of valuable items. Coupled with an increased "Unique Factor," she drops uniques at an astonishing rate. My optimized runs averaged a mere 17-19 seconds on Players 5 difficulty.

Watch a sample Andariel run

Andariel Drop Log (Prepare Yourself):

The Spoils: A Treasure Trove of TC87 Loot

After 10,012 grueling runs, the results speak for themselves:

TC87 Drop Rates:

  • Andariel: 136 TC87 items (1 drop every 48 runs / 17 minutes)
  • Duriel: 24 TC87 items (1 drop every 111 runs / 60 minutes)
  • Diablo: 23 TC87 items (1 drop every 36 runs / 52 minutes)

Notable Drops:

Image of Rare TC87 Items

Image of Rare and Valuable Drops

Andariel’s Bounty:

  • Jah Rune
  • 2x Sur Rune
  • 3x Ohm Rune
  • 2x Vex Rune

My overflowing stash:

Conclusion: The Grind Was Real, and Worth It

This project pushed me to my limits, but the sheer volume of rare and valuable loot was exhilarating. Terror Zones have redefined farming in D2R, and with careful planning and a touch of luck, you too can amass a treasure trove of legendary gear.

Conquer TFT with 6 Heart Sona: In-Depth Guide to Dominate the Meta (Challenger Tips)

Dominate the Meta with 6 Heart Sona: An In-Depth Guide

Hey everyone, Reunic here! Today, I’m breaking down the 6 Heart Sona comp that carried me to a first-place finish in a recent open qualifier. As a top 10 Challenger player from OCE, I’m always experimenting with new compositions, and this one is an absolute powerhouse in the current meta. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to TFT, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to climb the ranks and leave your opponents in the dust.

Miss playing Heart units from Set 8? This comp brings back that familiar feeling of unstoppable scaling and massive shields, but with a fresh twist. Let’s dive in!

You can find my successful tournament games with this comp here: Reunic’s lolchess Profile

Here’s a sneak peek at the power of this comp:

Image of a first-place finish with the comp

Image of another high-placement finish with the comp

Image of a dominant mid-game board

Decoding the 6 Heart Sona Board

The core of this comp is surprisingly flexible, revolving around a vertical Heart emblem setup:

Image of the core 6 Heart Sona board

While the units themselves are relatively common, the key to success lies in proper itemization and understanding the early-to-mid game transitions. Many players fall into the trap of prioritizing Viego or mismanaging their early game, leading to unnecessary losses.

Unlocking Sona’s Potential: Itemization Guide

Image showcasing the optimal itemization for the comp

Sona (Your Primary Carry):

  • Blue Buff: Enables consistent ability spam for maximum AP generation.
  • Shojin’s Spear: Creates a devastating auto-attack > ability loop, amplifying her AP output.
  • One Damage Item: Choose from Giant Slayer, Jeweled Gauntlet, or Guardbreaker depending on the enemy team composition.

Prioritize getting a Tear on the first carousel. Without it, this comp loses its effectiveness.

Ekko/Aatrox (Your Frontline):

  • Tank Items: Warmog’s Armor, Bramble Vest, Dragon’s Claw – anything to keep them alive and shielding.

Why this itemization?

This build turns Sona into an unstoppable force, constantly showering your team with AP, healing, and crowd control. The Blue Buff + Shojin’s Spear combo allows her to cast her ability almost off cooldown, creating an overwhelming advantage.

Viego (Item Sink):

  • Utilize leftover items like Thief’s Gloves, tank items, or AP items.

Important Note: Avoid offensive items that require Tears, as those are crucial for Sona’s core build.

Augmenting Your Power: Choosing the Right Augments

Image showcasing the augment tier list

Top Tier Augments:

  • Heart Heart/Crest/Crown: Any free Heart emblem is invaluable, allowing you to reach 6 Heart without relying on finding Syndra.
  • Portable Forge: Manazane, Randuin’s Omen, Eternal Winter, and Death Defiance are all excellent choices.
  • Item Components: This comp thrives on item synergy, and extra components allow you to fully optimize your team.


  • Axiom Arc: Currently bugged with Sona, preventing her from gaining mana on kill.

Hero Augments:

S Tier:

  • Sona (Power Grid)
  • Aatrox (Darkin Assimilation)
  • Pantheon (Chronic Hallucinations)
  • Syndra (Empowered Reserves)

A Tier:

  • Lee Sin (Cleansing Safe Guard)
  • Lee Sin (Invigorate)
  • Ekko (Chronobreak)

B Tier:

  • Lulu (Foster Growth)
  • Pantheon (Best Offense)

Notable Hero Augments:

  • Aatrox (Darkin Assimilation): Requires a Heart emblem to reach 6 Heart at level 8.
  • Syndra (Empowered Reserves): If running Oxforce, prioritize holding only one 1-star Oxforce unit to maintain the trait when Syndra throws them.
  • Lee Sin (Cleansing Safe Guard): Makes Lee Sin a viable tank item carrier instead of Ekko.
  • Pantheon (Chronic Hallucinations): Position Pantheon in the center of your board to maximize his shield coverage.

Heart Emblem:

There are no exceptional Heart holders in this comp. Alistar is a decent option due to his frontline presence.

Navigating the Early Game: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Stage 1-3:

  • First Carousel Priority: Tear! If you don’t get it, consider pivoting to a different comp.
  • Hold: Pantheon, Lulu, Lee Sin, and any strong Brawlers like Blitzcrank, Renekton, or Vi.
  • Consider: Holding Leblanc if you find her early.
  • Goal: Aim for a loss streak to secure a Tear on the first carousel. Scout aggressively to identify the weakest enemy boards and maximize your losing streak while minimizing damage taken.

Image of a potential early game board

Stage 3-2:

  • Crucial Roll Down: Use your accumulated gold to stabilize your board.
  • Ideal Board: 4 Heart + 2 Brawler + 2 Spellslinger.
  • Prioritize: Finding at least one Sona and upgrading your frontline units (Lee Sin, Pantheon, Brawlers).
  • Good Augments: Mana every 5 seconds, HP on kill, Mana to whole team, AP to whole team, AP every 5 seconds.

Image of a strong Stage 3-2 board

Stage 3-5:

  • Focus: Complete Blue Buff and Shojin’s Spear on Sona.
  • Transition: Start building tank items for your frontline.

Stage 4-1:

  • Level Up: Reach level 7.
  • Roll Down: Find Sona 2 and ideally Viego.
  • Replace: Lulu with Viego if you find him.

Image of a potential Stage 4-1 board

Stage 4-5/5-1:

  • Level Up: Depending on your gold and previous roll downs, level to 8 at either 4-5 or 5-1.
  • Final Roll Down: Aim for 6 Heart and Syndra. If you can’t find Syndra, add a flexible unit like a Threat, Aegis, Twisted Fate, or Gadgeteen.

Closing Out the Game: Achieving Victory

Win Conditions:

  • Sona 3: If uncontested, roll down for Sona 3 at level 8.
  • Level 9: Add powerful legendary units like Mordekaiser or Fiddlesticks.
  • Urgot: If you find him early, Urgot can provide valuable mana generation.


This 6 Heart Sona comp is a force to be reckoned with in the current meta. Its ability to scale exponentially and overwhelm opponents with shields and AP makes it a top contender. Remember to prioritize Sona’s core items, transition smoothly through the early game, and adapt your late game strategy based on your available resources.

If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out my Twitch channel for daily streams and more TFT content! I’m always experimenting with new comps and sharing my knowledge with the community.

Let’s climb the ranks together!

Reunic’s Twitch Channel


  • Build Shojin’s Spear and Blue Buff on Sona for maximum AP spam.
  • Prioritize tank items on Ekko or Aatrox.
  • Aim for 6 Heart and add late-game carries like Syndra, Mordekaiser, or Fiddlesticks.
  • Have fun watching your enemies melt under Sona’s amplified abilities!