Turn Your Board Game Idea into Reality: A Practical Guide for Aspiring Designers

Level Up Your Game Design: A Practical Guide to Getting Started

Introduction: Why This Guide?

This guide is for aspiring board game designers seeking a structured approach to their craft. It consolidates common questions and provides a clear roadmap for creating engaging and balanced games. Whether you’re a complete novice or have some experience, this guide offers valuable insights and resources.

Remember, you don’t have to read everything! Focus on the sections that resonate with your current needs.

Part 1: Finding Your Spark – Sources of Inspiration

Inspiration can strike from anywhere! Cultivate an open mind and draw inspiration from various sources:

  • Board Games: Immerse yourself in the world of board games. Play a diverse range, analyze their mechanics, observe others playing, and listen to reviews. Even if your goal is to design a specific type of game, exploring different genres broadens your understanding.
  • Video Games: Many video game concepts can be adapted for board games. Analyze what makes them engaging and deconstruct their mechanics.
  • Storytelling Mediums: Movies, TV series, books, comics, and anime offer a wealth of stories, characters, and settings that can spark your imagination.
  • Real Life: Observe the world around you. Everyday situations, human behavior, animal quirks, and personal anecdotes can be surprisingly fertile ground for game ideas.

For a deeper dive into finding inspiration, check out this detailed discussion: Finding Inspiration for Game Design

Resource: Explore BoardGameGeek’s mechanics browser to discover games based on specific mechanics.

Part 2: Crafting Your Design Flow

Starting Simple: An excellent starting point is to modify an existing game you enjoy. Experiment with "house rules" to improve upon the original design.

Developing Your Workflow: While personal preferences vary, a structured approach to game design can be more efficient than relying solely on playtesting. Consider this workflow:

  1. Take Notes: Capture your ideas, inspirations, playtesting observations, and any insights that emerge during the design process.
  2. Research: Delve deeper into the themes, mechanics, and existing games that align with your vision.
  3. Define Core Gameplay: Determine the fundamental gameplay loop and core mechanics that drive your game.
  4. Establish an Internal Point System: Assign point values to all resources and actions in your game to create a consistent mathematical framework for balancing.
  5. Build an Initial Prototype: Use your point system to create a basic prototype with cards, actions, and resources.
  6. Solo Playtesting: Test the game by yourself to ensure the core mechanics function as intended.
  7. Iterate and Refine: Address any major issues that arise during solo playtesting.
  8. Playtest with Others: Gather feedback from playtesters to gain external perspectives on your game’s balance, engagement, and overall experience.
  9. Iterate Based on Feedback: Incorporate constructive criticism from playtesters, but avoid making drastic changes all at once.
  10. Beyond Playtesting: While this guide focuses on the initial design phase, remember that bringing a game to market involves additional steps like pitching and production.

For a more comprehensive explanation of this workflow, refer to this post: Finding Your Game Design Flow

Part 3: Balancing Your Game with a Point-Based System

Contrary to popular belief, playtesting should not be the first step in balancing your game. Establishing a mathematical model from the outset, even a simple one, can significantly streamline the balancing process.

Creating Your Point System:

  1. Assign Point Values: Give every resource in your game a point value, including actions, victory points, cards, and limited spaces.
  2. Start with Larger Numbers: Using larger numbers initially makes balancing easier.
  3. Aim for Initial Equality: Assign roughly equal point values to most resources to simplify the process (e.g., 1 Action = 1 Wood = 1 Coin = 4 Points).
  4. Fine-Tune with Victory Points: Use victory points for more granular balancing (e.g., 1 Victory Point = 1 Point).
  5. Ensure Income Generation: Provide players with ways to gain resources, such as starting coins or actions that yield resources.
  6. Incorporate Bonuses: Offer discounts or bonuses for actions or purchases that require multiple resources.
  7. Reward Risk and Opportunity: Provide bonuses for quests or achievements that involve risk or limited availability.
  8. Maintain Consistency: Adhere to your point system throughout the entire game to ensure its effectiveness.
  9. Balance Components: Balance all game components according to your point system.
  10. Playtesting Begins: With a solid mathematical foundation in place, you can now begin playtesting with a more balanced starting point.

For a detailed breakdown of creating a point-based system, see this post: Creating a Point-Based System for Balancing

Part 4: Genre-Specific Resources

This section will feature posts discussing design considerations for specific game genres. While the information may be tailored to a particular genre, the concepts can often be applied to other types of games as well.

Currently Available:

More genre-specific posts will be added over time!

Akshan’s E Guide: Master Heroic Swing for Jungle Dominance & Outplays (League of Legends)

Mastering Akshan’s E: A Comprehensive Guide to Heroic Swing

Many players underestimate the complexity and power of Akshan’s E – Heroic Swing. This guide dives deep into this versatile ability, showcasing its potential for jungle dominance, map traversal, and even stylish outplays. Whether you’re a seasoned Sentinel or a curious newcomer, prepare to see Akshan’s E in a whole new light.

Watch the Video Guide

Table of Contents

Jungle Dominance

Akshan’s indefinite swing duration allows him to conquer the jungle with Tarzan-like prowess.

  • Early Game Pressure: Steal enemy buffs at level 1 or secure early dragons with ease.
  • Solo Objectives: Take down the Rift Herald and even solo the Baron with strategic swings (though caution is advised as the Baron can interrupt your E).

[Image of Akshan soloing dragon]

Important Note: While Akshan’s tooltip mentions being knocked off by terrain, certain spots allow him to phase through walls! Experiment in the Practice Tool to master these locations.

Phasing Through Walls

Like a Shuriman Flash, Akshan can use Heroic Swing to bypass terrain in surprising ways.

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Spend time in the Practice Tool to develop muscle memory for these wall-phasing spots.
  • Surprise Factor: Catch your opponents off guard with unexpected flanks and escapes.

[Image of Akshan phasing through a wall]

Speed and Efficiency

Need to push a wave and get back to lane quickly? Heroic Swing can help you zoom across the map like Sonic the Hedgehog.

  • Rapid Rotations: Utilize E for swift rotations between lanes and objectives.
  • Efficient Farming: Clear jungle camps and collect farm with increased speed.

Maximizing Swing Range

Think of Akshan’s grappling hook like Rapunzel’s hair – the longer the swing, the better!

  • Avoid Interruptions: Larger swings make it harder for enemies and terrain to interrupt your E.
  • Enhanced Mobility: Traverse the map with ease and reach advantageous positions.

Pro Tip: While large swings are generally beneficial, adapt your strategy based on the situation. Sometimes, a smaller, faster swing is necessary.

Synergizing with Other Abilities

Heroic Swing isn’t just a solo act; it synergizes beautifully with Akshan’s other abilities.

  • Ultimate Precision: Reposition during your ultimate channel to land the perfect shots.
  • Combo Potential: Combine E with your other abilities for creative engages and escapes.


Mastering Akshan’s E is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the learning curve, experiment in the Practice Tool, and soon you’ll be swinging through Summoner’s Rift with style and confidence. Remember, even the most skilled Sentinels started somewhere. Now go forth and make the Rogue Sentinel proud!

Heian City Story Beginner’s Guide: Build a Thriving City & Conquer Ancient Japan

Heian City Story: A Beginner’s Guide to Thriving in Ancient Japan

Navigating the complexities of Heian-era Japan in Heian City Story can be daunting for a newcomer. This guide will illuminate the game’s mechanics, offer proven strategies, and equip you to build a prosperous city while defending it from supernatural threats.

Laying the Foundations for a Flourishing City


Heian City Story masterfully blends city building with engaging mini-games like tower defense. Here’s how to get started:

  • Maximize Your Income: Don’t underestimate the value of prime real estate! Construct residential areas on expensive land to maximize tax revenue. Remember, you can always relocate houses later as your city prospers.
  • Unlock New Possibilities: The key to progress lies in expansion. Build new facilities as soon as you can to unlock a wider array of jobs, streets, and opportunities for your city to flourish.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: Ensure you’re playing the smoothest version of the game. Version 1.0.3 squashed a pesky bug that caused freezing during the “Koume Utaawase” song competition. Download the update here.

Secret Character Unveiled: Whispers travel through the bamboo groves of a mysterious visitor from afar. Rumor has it that a traveler from Cairo Park might grace your city with his presence! Official Website To unlock this enigmatic figure, rise to the challenge of the “Rescue Cairo-kun Lv. 40” request. Achieve a perfect 5-star rating and reach a score of 500 in Food, Living, Entertainment, and Culture in the city evaluation. Your efforts will be rewarded with Cairo’s unique house, which generates a staggering 500% tax revenue based on land value! Source: Bulletin Board

Mastering the Art of Spiritual Defense

Protecting your city from Yokai and unruly animals is paramount to your success.

  • Understanding Enemy Behavior: Enemies emerge from fixed locations and will relentlessly target your houses and watchtowers. Your only safe haven is the 3×3 area surrounding the Dosojin, the traveler’s guardian statue.
  • Strategic Placement is Key: Construct commercial districts near enemy spawn points to act as buffers, protecting your residential areas and buying precious time to replenish your Onmyoji’s (spiritual mage) power. While destroyed houses can be repaired, the disruption to work and daily life can set you back.
  • Land Expansion Battles: Time is of the essence when expanding your territory. Engage animal enemies swiftly, as a time limit adds an extra layer of challenge.

Advanced Combat Tactics:

  • Mid to Late Game Strategy: As your city grows, so too will the strength of your enemies. Utilize Onmyoji who wield rebound curses to counter enemies shielded by barriers or those who attack from a distance.
  • Conquering Boss Battles: When facing formidable boss enemies, summon a Shikigami (summoned creature) with high HP to absorb the brunt of the boss’s attacks. Meanwhile, your other Shikigami and strategically placed facilities can focus on whittling down the boss’s health. Remember, you can resummon your Shikigami as needed.
  • Beware During Expansion: Be vigilant during land expansion battles. The area where animals spawn can dynamically shift and expand. Plan your Shikigami placement accordingly to avoid being caught off guard.
  • The Cairo Advantage: Unlocking Cairo Bodhisattva provides more than just a tax bonus. Like your trusty watchtowers, Cairo can unleash attacks on encroaching enemies, bolstering your defenses.