Pekka Bridgespam vs. Giant Fisherman Clash Royale Guide: Secure Your Win

Dismantling the Giant Fisherman: A Pekka Bridgespam Guide

Facing off against the mighty Giant Fisherman deck can be daunting for a Pekka Bridgespam player. This guide, based on extensive experience battling this formidable archetype, will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to emerge victorious.

Understanding the Giant’s Strength

The recent rise of Beatdown decks, particularly Giant Beatdown spearheaded by the Fisherman, presents a unique challenge. This guide focuses on dismantling the popular Giant Fisherman variant, providing a strategic edge in this matchup.

General Tips for Success

  • Play the Patience Game: Especially in single elixir, a passive approach allows for calculated reactions to your opponent’s moves.
  • The Little Prince’s Defense: Always aim to have the Little Prince ready to counter a Giant at the bridge. If caught off guard, the Electro Wizard can substitute, but expect significant tower damage.
  • Track the Bomber: Keep a close eye on your opponent’s cycle to anticipate the Evo Bomber’s arrival.
  • Counterpush is Key: Your primary path to victory lies in well-timed counterpushes. Capitalize on opponent overcommits by punishing with a calculated push, considering their available cards. For instance, a Bandit placed in front of a Battle Ram becomes a serious threat if the opponent lacks a Knight.

Gameplan Breakdown

Starting Strong

The initial phase involves cycling through cards like Bandit, Ghost, Zap, Battle Ram, and Arrows (unless facing an Evo Bomber). Allow your opponent to make the first move, revealing their strategy.

  • Identifying the Archetype: Early Phoenix or Fisherman deployments often signal a Giant or Royal Giant deck.
  • Strategic Cycling: Direct your card cycle towards the opposite lane of your opponent’s troops. For example, counter a Bomber played in the back with a Ghost in the opposite lane, forcing out a Knight. This clears the path for a Bandit to dash onto the Bomber and damage the tower.

Mastering Defense

Giant players typically deploy their namesake at the bridge against Pekka. If they don’t, exploit their misplay with a counter Pekka.

  • Patience with the Pekka: Place the Little Prince in the anti-Void spot beside your tower and observe your opponent’s response.
  • Countering Support Troops: Utilize the Little Prince’s ability to deflect Phoenix attacks. An Electro Wizard in the same spot effectively neutralizes Bats, paving the way for a Pekka attack on the weakened Night Witch.
  • Timing the Pekka Deployment: Two scenarios dictate Pekka placement:
    • Fisherman Presence: Wait for the Fisherman to cross the bridge before deploying Pekka directly on top. A well-placed Zap ensures a one-hit knockout, allowing the Pekka to target the Giant and remaining support troops. Stay vigilant for the Evo Bomber.
    • Delayed Support: If the opponent hesitates after playing the Giant, anticipate a Lightning or Arrows spell targeting the Little Prince. Position Pekka on top of the Giant near your tower, preventing a Fisherman pull.
  • Minimizing Damage: Accepting minor tower damage from a Giant is often preferable to a wasted Pekka.

Counterpushing for Victory

Effective counterpushes hinge on eliminating the Evo Bomber and Little Prince. Ideally, have Evo Zap and Arrows ready.

  • Neutralizing Threats: Snipe the Little Prince with a Bandit, utilizing Zap for a swift takedown. The Electro Wizard excels on offense, effectively eliminating a Phoenix near the bridge.
  • Unleashing the Bridgespam: With the threats neutralized, deploy your Battle Ram, Ghost, and Little Prince (using his ability) to overwhelm the opponent’s fragile support troops.
  • Spell Support: Utilize spells to maximize your push’s effectiveness.

Spell Strategies

While this guide focuses on Giant Fisherman, these spell strategies apply to any deck lacking swarm units or reset triggers.

  • Beyond Swarm Control: Zap and Arrows are not limited to countering swarms. They excel at eliminating fragile support units, allowing your bridgespam cards to deal damage quickly.

Key Spell Interactions

Understanding spell interactions is crucial for maximizing damage output and card effectiveness.

  • Bandit:
    • Zap + Bandit: One dash and a hit to eliminate Musketeer, Wizard, Electro Wizard, Ice Wizard, Little Prince.
    • Arrows + Bandit: One dash to eliminate the same troops as above, plus Magic Archer, Mother Witch, and Barb Barrel.
  • Ghost:
    • Zap + Ghost: Two hits to eliminate Ice Wizard, Electro Wizard (except at max level), Magic Archer, Mother Witch, Barb Barrel, and Little Prince.
  • Pekka:
    • Zap + Pekka: Two hits to eliminate a Knight (instead of three).
    • Zap + Pekka: One hit to eliminate Bandit, Night Witch, Fisherman, Witch, Hunter, and Archer Queen (instead of two).


Mastering the art of countering the Giant Fisherman requires patience, strategic card deployment, and a deep understanding of spell interactions. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to dismantle this formidable opponent and claim victory on the battlefield.
