Conquer TFT with 6 Heart Sona: In-Depth Guide to Dominate the Meta (Challenger Tips)

Dominate the Meta with 6 Heart Sona: An In-Depth Guide

Hey everyone, Reunic here! Today, I’m breaking down the 6 Heart Sona comp that carried me to a first-place finish in a recent open qualifier. As a top 10 Challenger player from OCE, I’m always experimenting with new compositions, and this one is an absolute powerhouse in the current meta. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to TFT, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to climb the ranks and leave your opponents in the dust.

Miss playing Heart units from Set 8? This comp brings back that familiar feeling of unstoppable scaling and massive shields, but with a fresh twist. Let’s dive in!

You can find my successful tournament games with this comp here: Reunic’s lolchess Profile

Here’s a sneak peek at the power of this comp:

Image of a first-place finish with the comp

Image of another high-placement finish with the comp

Image of a dominant mid-game board

Decoding the 6 Heart Sona Board

The core of this comp is surprisingly flexible, revolving around a vertical Heart emblem setup:

Image of the core 6 Heart Sona board

While the units themselves are relatively common, the key to success lies in proper itemization and understanding the early-to-mid game transitions. Many players fall into the trap of prioritizing Viego or mismanaging their early game, leading to unnecessary losses.

Unlocking Sona’s Potential: Itemization Guide

Image showcasing the optimal itemization for the comp

Sona (Your Primary Carry):

  • Blue Buff: Enables consistent ability spam for maximum AP generation.
  • Shojin’s Spear: Creates a devastating auto-attack > ability loop, amplifying her AP output.
  • One Damage Item: Choose from Giant Slayer, Jeweled Gauntlet, or Guardbreaker depending on the enemy team composition.

Prioritize getting a Tear on the first carousel. Without it, this comp loses its effectiveness.

Ekko/Aatrox (Your Frontline):

  • Tank Items: Warmog’s Armor, Bramble Vest, Dragon’s Claw – anything to keep them alive and shielding.

Why this itemization?

This build turns Sona into an unstoppable force, constantly showering your team with AP, healing, and crowd control. The Blue Buff + Shojin’s Spear combo allows her to cast her ability almost off cooldown, creating an overwhelming advantage.

Viego (Item Sink):

  • Utilize leftover items like Thief’s Gloves, tank items, or AP items.

Important Note: Avoid offensive items that require Tears, as those are crucial for Sona’s core build.

Augmenting Your Power: Choosing the Right Augments

Image showcasing the augment tier list

Top Tier Augments:

  • Heart Heart/Crest/Crown: Any free Heart emblem is invaluable, allowing you to reach 6 Heart without relying on finding Syndra.
  • Portable Forge: Manazane, Randuin’s Omen, Eternal Winter, and Death Defiance are all excellent choices.
  • Item Components: This comp thrives on item synergy, and extra components allow you to fully optimize your team.


  • Axiom Arc: Currently bugged with Sona, preventing her from gaining mana on kill.

Hero Augments:

S Tier:

  • Sona (Power Grid)
  • Aatrox (Darkin Assimilation)
  • Pantheon (Chronic Hallucinations)
  • Syndra (Empowered Reserves)

A Tier:

  • Lee Sin (Cleansing Safe Guard)
  • Lee Sin (Invigorate)
  • Ekko (Chronobreak)

B Tier:

  • Lulu (Foster Growth)
  • Pantheon (Best Offense)

Notable Hero Augments:

  • Aatrox (Darkin Assimilation): Requires a Heart emblem to reach 6 Heart at level 8.
  • Syndra (Empowered Reserves): If running Oxforce, prioritize holding only one 1-star Oxforce unit to maintain the trait when Syndra throws them.
  • Lee Sin (Cleansing Safe Guard): Makes Lee Sin a viable tank item carrier instead of Ekko.
  • Pantheon (Chronic Hallucinations): Position Pantheon in the center of your board to maximize his shield coverage.

Heart Emblem:

There are no exceptional Heart holders in this comp. Alistar is a decent option due to his frontline presence.

Navigating the Early Game: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Stage 1-3:

  • First Carousel Priority: Tear! If you don’t get it, consider pivoting to a different comp.
  • Hold: Pantheon, Lulu, Lee Sin, and any strong Brawlers like Blitzcrank, Renekton, or Vi.
  • Consider: Holding Leblanc if you find her early.
  • Goal: Aim for a loss streak to secure a Tear on the first carousel. Scout aggressively to identify the weakest enemy boards and maximize your losing streak while minimizing damage taken.

Image of a potential early game board

Stage 3-2:

  • Crucial Roll Down: Use your accumulated gold to stabilize your board.
  • Ideal Board: 4 Heart + 2 Brawler + 2 Spellslinger.
  • Prioritize: Finding at least one Sona and upgrading your frontline units (Lee Sin, Pantheon, Brawlers).
  • Good Augments: Mana every 5 seconds, HP on kill, Mana to whole team, AP to whole team, AP every 5 seconds.

Image of a strong Stage 3-2 board

Stage 3-5:

  • Focus: Complete Blue Buff and Shojin’s Spear on Sona.
  • Transition: Start building tank items for your frontline.

Stage 4-1:

  • Level Up: Reach level 7.
  • Roll Down: Find Sona 2 and ideally Viego.
  • Replace: Lulu with Viego if you find him.

Image of a potential Stage 4-1 board

Stage 4-5/5-1:

  • Level Up: Depending on your gold and previous roll downs, level to 8 at either 4-5 or 5-1.
  • Final Roll Down: Aim for 6 Heart and Syndra. If you can’t find Syndra, add a flexible unit like a Threat, Aegis, Twisted Fate, or Gadgeteen.

Closing Out the Game: Achieving Victory

Win Conditions:

  • Sona 3: If uncontested, roll down for Sona 3 at level 8.
  • Level 9: Add powerful legendary units like Mordekaiser or Fiddlesticks.
  • Urgot: If you find him early, Urgot can provide valuable mana generation.


This 6 Heart Sona comp is a force to be reckoned with in the current meta. Its ability to scale exponentially and overwhelm opponents with shields and AP makes it a top contender. Remember to prioritize Sona’s core items, transition smoothly through the early game, and adapt your late game strategy based on your available resources.

If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out my Twitch channel for daily streams and more TFT content! I’m always experimenting with new comps and sharing my knowledge with the community.

Let’s climb the ranks together!

Reunic’s Twitch Channel


  • Build Shojin’s Spear and Blue Buff on Sona for maximum AP spam.
  • Prioritize tank items on Ekko or Aatrox.
  • Aim for 6 Heart and add late-game carries like Syndra, Mordekaiser, or Fiddlesticks.
  • Have fun watching your enemies melt under Sona’s amplified abilities!