Civilization 6 China Guide: Master Every Leader for Domination & Science Victories

Zigzagzigal’s Guides – Great Commanders/Rulers of China

This guide series explores some of the most influential leaders in world history and how their unique abilities translate to Civilization VI gameplay. We’ll delve into their optimal victory paths, strategic nuances, and discuss their overall balance within the game.

This time, we’re venturing into the heart of East Asia to analyze the various leaders representing the Chinese civilization. From early unifiers to masterful strategists, China’s leaders offer diverse playstyles that can lead you to victory.


Unifier Qin

Focus: Domination, Science

Unifier Qin excels at leveraging early aggression and converting it into a springboard for either Domination or Science victories. His unique ability allows for the creation of a formidable early army by converting Barbarian units.

Early Game Dominance:

  1. Train Warriors: Begin by training a couple of Warriors early in the game.
  2. Locate Barbarian Outposts: Scout the map to find Barbarian Outposts.
  3. Intercept Barbarian Scouts: Wait for Barbarian Scouts to complete their journey from an Outpost to a city’s border. As the Scout returns to the Outpost, it will trigger the spawning of additional Barbarian units.
  4. Convert Barbarian Units: Position your Warriors near the Outpost to intercept and convert the newly spawned Barbarians. This tactic provides a significant early-game military advantage.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Barbarian Outpost Spawning: Remember that Barbarian Outposts cannot spawn in territory within a civilization’s line of sight. Maximize your early exploration to limit Barbarian presence and increase your chances of converting their units.
  • The Great Wall: Unifier Qin synergizes well with China’s unique infrastructure, The Great Wall. Its defensive bonuses and gold output help maintain and upgrade your formidable Barbarian army.

Overall: Unifier Qin’s straightforward yet powerful ability allows for creative strategies and rewarding gameplay. His capacity to amass an early army makes him a formidable opponent and a strong contender for Domination victories. Additionally, the economic advantage gained from converted units can be effectively channeled towards scientific development, making him a versatile leader capable of achieving different victory conditions.

Wu Zetian

Focus: Science, Culture

Wu Zetian, China’s first and only female emperor, brings a more subtle yet potent playstyle to the game. Her strength lies in maximizing China’s civilization ability through a clever combination of espionage and technological advancement.

Espionage and Eureka Boosts:

  1. Strategic Espionage: Wu Zetian’s unique ability grants a significant advantage in Spy missions. Instead of immediately using your free Spy for stealing technologies, focus on easier missions like "Fabricate Scandal" or "Foment Unrest."
  2. Boost Success Rate: Successfully completing these missions will quickly level up your Spy, increasing their effectiveness and the success rate of future missions, including stealing Eureka boosts.
  3. Maximize Eureka Benefits: By stealing Eureka boosts from other civilizations, you accelerate your own technological advancement, amplifying the bonuses provided by China’s civilization ability.

Cultural Prowess:

While Wu Zetian’s focus leans towards Science victories, her ability indirectly benefits Culture victories as well. The increased pace of technological advancement allows for quicker access to cultural wonders and civics, providing a significant edge in the race for cultural dominance.

Overall: Wu Zetian’s strength lies in her ability to leverage espionage to fuel China’s already potent scientific capabilities. Her playstyle rewards a more strategic and calculated approach, making her a compelling choice for players who enjoy a balance of espionage, technological superiority, and cultural progression.


Focus: Science

Yongle, the third emperor of the Ming dynasty, is renowned for his ambitious maritime expeditions and cultural achievements. In Civilization VI, he translates this legacy into a powerful ability that focuses on rapid city growth and maximizing yields.

Early Expansion and Growth:

  1. Prioritize Religious Settlements: Aim for the "Religious Settlements" Pantheon early in the game. This Pantheon grants a free Settler with every Holy Site you found, accelerating your early expansion.
  2. Balance Expansion and Growth: While expanding your empire, focus on developing your cities’ infrastructure and housing to support rapid population growth.
  3. Governor Magnus: Utilize Governor Magnus’ "Provision" and "Surplus Logistics" promotions to further enhance your city growth. "Provision" prevents population loss when training Settlers, while "Surplus Logistics" speeds up city growth.

Maximizing Yields:

  1. Delayed "Lijia (Food)" Project: While tempting, avoid using the "Lijia (Food)" city project immediately. Wait until your cities have at least 11 housing to maximize its effectiveness.
  2. Housing Threshold: City growth slows down by 50% if the population is one less than the housing capacity. Aim for 11 housing to maintain a steady population growth to 10, the threshold for Yongle’s ability to take effect.
  3. Alternative Strategy – River Goddess: Consider the "River Goddess" Pantheon for additional housing and amenities in cities with Holy Sites. This strategy synergizes well with the "Monasticism" wildcard during Dark Ages, further boosting your science output.

Overall: Yongle’s ability to significantly boost yields based on population makes him incredibly powerful. His playstyle encourages a balance between expansion, city development, and strategic use of city projects. While his focus lies in Science victories, the sheer economic power he generates can be channeled to pursue other victory conditions as well.

Other Notable Chinese Leaders

While this guide focuses on the Chinese leaders introduced in the Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm expansions, it’s worth mentioning the other leader representing China in Civilization VI:

Qin Shi Huang

Focus: Domination, Wonders

As the founder of the Qin dynasty and China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang’s legacy is built on military might and monumental construction projects. His unique ability reflects this by granting additional Builder charges and enhancing their construction speed, allowing for rapid development and the construction of Ancient and Classical wonders.


China, with its rich history and diverse leaders, offers a wide range of playstyles in Civilization VI. From Unifier Qin’s early aggression to Yongle’s focus on city growth, each leader presents unique challenges and rewards. Whether you prefer conquering your opponents with overwhelming force, outpacing them in technological advancements, or achieving cultural dominance, China has a leader that suits your strategic preferences.
