Overwatch 2 Settings Guide: 5 Ways to Improve Aim and Game Sense

Level Up Your Game: Top 5 Overwatch 2 Settings for Enhanced Aim and Game Sense

Want to elevate your Overwatch 2 gameplay? Optimizing your settings can significantly impact your performance, sharpening your aim and boosting your game sense. This guide will walk you through five key settings that can give you a competitive edge.

1. Ditch the Default: Choosing the Optimal Crosshair Color

While it might not be the first thing that comes to mind, your crosshair color plays a crucial role in your aiming accuracy. The default white crosshair can easily get lost against lighter backgrounds in Overwatch 2.

To enhance visibility, opt for a color that stands out. A bright, light green is an excellent choice, as it’s rarely used in the game’s environment. If that’s too jarring, a dark blue offers a good alternative.

Here’s an example of how a white crosshair can blend into the background.

Beyond color, experiment with different crosshair shapes and sizes to find what suits your playstyle best. You can find a variety of customizable options within the settings menu.

This is my preferred crosshair setup, but feel free to experiment!

2. Streamline Your Actions: Disabling Unnecessary Ability Toggles

Many heroes in Overwatch 2 have the option to toggle their abilities on or off. However, in most cases, it’s more efficient to keep these toggles disabled.

Why? Because toggling requires two inputs (one to activate and another to deactivate), while holding the button down for the ability’s duration only requires one. This might seem insignificant, but those extra milliseconds can add up, reducing your overall actions per minute.

Here’s a list of toggles you should consider disabling:

  • Shields: Reinhardt, Sigma, Brigitte
  • Scopes: Ashe, Widowmaker, Ana
  • Matrix: D.Va
  • Grapple: Wrecking Ball
  • Healing Ofuda: Kiriko (this one is on by default)

While most toggles are best left off, some depend on personal preference and playstyle. For example:

  • Mercy: Disabling the beam toggle is recommended for players who prioritize mobility with Guardian Angel. However, if you prefer to use Guardian Angel for its facing direction, enabling the toggle can be beneficial.
  • D.Va, Echo, Soldier: 76: These heroes have movement ability toggles. It’s generally recommended to learn them with the toggle off for greater control, but if you’re already comfortable with the toggle on, there’s no need to change.

3. Maximize Aim Precision: Enabling High Precision Mouse Input

This setting might seem technical, but it has a significant impact on your aim. Here’s a simplified explanation:

Overwatch 2 registers your mouse input at specific intervals (ticks). Without High Precision Mouse Input enabled, your shot only registers if your crosshair is on target exactly when the game checks for input.

Enabling this setting allows the game to register input between these intervals, resulting in smoother and more accurate tracking.

This graphic by KarQ illustrates the concept perfectly. The white lines represent the standard input checks, while the red lines show the additional inputs enabled by High Precision Mouse Input.

4. Amplify Your Awareness: Utilizing Friendly and Enemy Elimination Sounds

Overwatch 2 introduced a valuable new feature: separate sound cues for teammate and enemy eliminations. While it might seem like a small addition, it can significantly enhance your game sense.

These auditory cues provide instant feedback on the state of the fight without needing to glance at the kill feed. You’ll instinctively know when a teammate goes down or when you’ve successfully taken out an opponent.

This heightened awareness allows for quicker decision-making, helping you determine when to push aggressively or retreat to safety.

5. Maintain Constant Battlefield Awareness: Enabling Ally Health Bars and Outlines

Another impactful setting introduced in Overwatch 2 is the option to display ally health bars and outlines. Having this information readily available is crucial for team-based play.

Here’s why it’s beneficial:

  • Supports: Easily prioritize healing targets and quickly locate allies in need of assistance.
  • All Players: Track flanking teammates, identify allies under attack, and maintain better overall map awareness.

Ensure that both "Ally Health Bars" and "Ally Outlines" are set to "Default" and "Occluded" respectively in your settings menu.

Bonus Tips for an Optimized Overwatch 2 Experience

  • Display Performance Stats: Enable the display of FPS and latency in the video settings. This allows you to monitor your connection and identify potential performance issues.
  • Reduce Camera Shake: Minimize distractions during intense firefights by setting "Camera Shake" to "Reduced" in the accessibility settings.
  • Experiment with Colorblind Settings: While intended for accessibility, the colorblind options can enhance the visuals for all players. Try out different settings to find a color scheme that suits your preference.


Optimizing your settings is a simple yet effective way to improve your Overwatch 2 experience. By implementing these changes, you’ll enhance your aim, boost your game sense, and gain a competitive edge. So, head into the practice range, experiment with these settings, and watch your gameplay reach new heights!
